Harry's last day of preschool was on Tuesday and today was the end of year celebration at Fit For Fun. I forgot the camera (as usual) but all 3 boys were with me so it would have been hard to take lots of pictures anyway. The boys had a great time. It has a big climbing structure and a bounce house for the older 2 boys. There's also a section for the little ones. Nate loved the ball pit. He got upset a few times when I pulled him out as a bigger kid was about to jump in. Harry got cheese pizza for a snack which he wasn't thrilled about but he ate it. The siblings couldn't have any so poor Ted had to watch and wait. He handled it fairly well considering.
We left right after the snack and then stopped at McDonald's for lunch. We then left McD's and it had started raining fairly hard at that point. Ted was supposed to have field day today but it was looking like that would be postponed. There was even some hail as we headed over to drop Ted off. It was raining as I took Ted to the door and his teacher said that the kids were in the hallway because of the tornado warning. Yikes, that was the first I heard about tornadoes. I went home and went to the basement with Harry and Nate so we could check on the weather since that was the first we had heard about a tornado. Our neighbor soon called and said she was watching some clouds head our way that looked really weird. She decided to pick her son up from school soon after that and got Ted while she was there. We spent a good part of the afternoon in the basement. Luckily, the playroom is down there so the boys were entertained while we waited it out.
The tornado hit Windsor the hardest. It missed us by just a few miles. It's hard to believe that the closest I've been to a tornado was this time while living in Colorado. I hadn't expected to see any tornadoes here. Dallas is part of tornado alley and we didn't have too many tornado warnings while living there. There were a couple tornadoes that went through Fort Worth but that was still 30-40 miles away from us. I hope that is the closest I ever get to a tornado.