Monday, December 29, 2008
As I was getting dinner made tonight, the boys were all up in Ted and Harry's room playing. When we sat down to eat, they told me what they were doing. They were trying to blast off into space. Harry thought they could do it in the closet. They gave it a shot and Ted said he tried to keep Nate out just in case it worked. I'm not sure if he was trying to protect him or just plain didn't want his baby brother tagging along. I found a laundry basket in the closet which I think was supposed to be the rocket ship. I'm guessing some of this is coming from a movie we watched a couple weeks ago called The Astronaut Farmer. Harry has still been trying to get to Dogland too.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I always go back and forth between taking pictures and just enjoying the moment. This year was spent just enjoying the time with the kids. We went to mass yesterday afternoon at 3 pm, came home and the boys opened gifts from us, and then had dinner, and played some more. Ted got out of school last Friday so they felt like they were waiting forever to open gifts. Bob and I didn't finish shopping until Saturday when we dropped the kids off at the church to play while we shopped together. We didn't put any gifts under the tree because the temptation would be too great. I was mostly worried about Nate but I wouldn't be surprised if Harry would have opened something and then claimed to forget. Our tree is in the basement and I realized after I got down there that I forgot to take the camera down. Bob went down and wasn't too worried about pictures. I thought maybe we could get pictures in the morning while they were opening gifts from Santa.
Ted and Harry got up first this morning. They checked things out in the basement and then came upstairs to tell us it was the best Christmas ever. Ted and Harry each had a soccer ball under the tree from Santa and Nate got a sled. They also had stockings filled with goodies and a couple more presents under the tree each. Nate got up and I heard them say that they brought Nate's sled up to the main floor. As I was coming out of the bedroom, Nate was opening one of his gifts too so I almost missed it. We decided to let Bob sleep and see what Santa brought later. We spent the day playing with the new toys. Ted and Harry also each got a new game. Harry got a WordWorld matching game and Ted got travel sized Battleship. Both seem to be big hits with them.
Ted and Harry got up first this morning. They checked things out in the basement and then came upstairs to tell us it was the best Christmas ever. Ted and Harry each had a soccer ball under the tree from Santa and Nate got a sled. They also had stockings filled with goodies and a couple more presents under the tree each. Nate got up and I heard them say that they brought Nate's sled up to the main floor. As I was coming out of the bedroom, Nate was opening one of his gifts too so I almost missed it. We decided to let Bob sleep and see what Santa brought later. We spent the day playing with the new toys. Ted and Harry also each got a new game. Harry got a WordWorld matching game and Ted got travel sized Battleship. Both seem to be big hits with them.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Longest day ever for kids
The boys have been wanting to open presents for days now so I knew I had to be prepared this morning. I printed off a Christmas codeword puzzle for Ted and a couple coloring sheets. We also had a gingerbread train kit that I had bought. The gingerbread train wasn't too bad to put together. The biggest challenge was keeping Nate off the table when my hands were busy putting the train together. Nate just wanted to help and he actually did better than I expected when it was time to put the candy on. He put the pieces on one at a time and was gentle with it. The train worked well for us to keep the kids busy before we went to lunch and then church.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
1st Haircut

Bob had been cutting Ted and Harry's hair since they were little. Bob was cutting Ted's hair today and Nate went in and decided it was time to get his hair cut too. He did really well and stayed still enough for Bob. He didn't have a lot of hair yet but maybe this will help it grow back thicker. You can see Harry trying to decide which length he was going with this time.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Planning a trip
Harry has created his own imaginary world. It's called Dogland and he has lots of dog friends who talk to him there. I think he also gets to eat as much candy as he wants and play video games as much as he wants. He has an invisible car there too.
We're starting to get things ready for traveling this week to see family. He told me on Friday that he was planning a trip to Dogland and he was thinking about taking Ted and me along. I asked about when and how long and we talked about how it might conflict with our family trip and that wouldn't be good. He said, "But don't you want to meet Scruffy?" Later that night, he decided that he would go right away Saturday morning. He also planned to go to FruitSnackLand and LavaLand (Ted helped with that one) and other places I don't remember.On Saturday, we got up and he said it was time to go to Dogland. He got dressed right away because, apparently, the last time he went, they laughed at him because he was still in pajamas. Ted changed his mind about going right then (mostly he didn't want to get dressed right away I think) so they didn't go. Last night, Harry talked about not going yet and how the dogs were expecting him. He went to bed fine, though. I was hoping he'd have a dream about going to Dogland and think he actually went while sleeping but nope. His trip was one of the first things he brought up this morning. He and Ted decided to go to Dogland instead of church. I just hope he doesn't actually get some crazy idea that he needs to leave the house and go somewhere.
We're starting to get things ready for traveling this week to see family. He told me on Friday that he was planning a trip to Dogland and he was thinking about taking Ted and me along. I asked about when and how long and we talked about how it might conflict with our family trip and that wouldn't be good. He said, "But don't you want to meet Scruffy?" Later that night, he decided that he would go right away Saturday morning. He also planned to go to FruitSnackLand and LavaLand (Ted helped with that one) and other places I don't remember.On Saturday, we got up and he said it was time to go to Dogland. He got dressed right away because, apparently, the last time he went, they laughed at him because he was still in pajamas. Ted changed his mind about going right then (mostly he didn't want to get dressed right away I think) so they didn't go. Last night, Harry talked about not going yet and how the dogs were expecting him. He went to bed fine, though. I was hoping he'd have a dream about going to Dogland and think he actually went while sleeping but nope. His trip was one of the first things he brought up this morning. He and Ted decided to go to Dogland instead of church. I just hope he doesn't actually get some crazy idea that he needs to leave the house and go somewhere.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ack, the time change!
Today was a really rough day for me. Nate woke up shortly after 4 which isn't too bad since I took him to bed and we both fell back to sleep. He was up for the day at 5:45. He opened the bedroom door and light streamed in so I figured the older boys were already up. After a few minutes, I realized I was drifting back to sleep and better get up to check on things before I actually did. I went downstairs and noticed the kitchen light was on. I thought maybe the boys were in there eating their Halloween candy. As I got closer, I could hear Nate saying, "uh, uh, uh". He was standing on a chair in the kitchen "counting" milk caps. The other boys weren't there. I thought maybe one of the other boys had gotten something from the kitchen but went back to bed. Harry soon came up from the basement to get more candy. He and Ted were down there playing Sonic. I asked them what time they got up. Ted replied, "too early". They have a clock radio in their bedroom so I asked again what time. Ted thought it was 4. My reaction was 4?! 4?! They heard the baby crying and got up shortly after that so it was really early. I told them that they needed to listen to us all day or they'd lose the Halloween candy and Sonic game. They went to bed easily at 7:30 tonight. Ted admitted that he was really tired and that he didn't want to get up so early again.
Nate was a busy boy this morning before work. He and Harry have to go to the drop-in childcare this week so I had to make lunches for them and me. It took me forever to make the lunches because Nate was not playing on his own and getting into everything. He fell asleep on the way to Kidstown so I think he must have been moving so fast to stay awake. He's finally getting more teeth so that might be part of it too. His upper molars are partly in and there's another tooth on the bottom working on getting through.
Nate was a busy boy this morning before work. He and Harry have to go to the drop-in childcare this week so I had to make lunches for them and me. It took me forever to make the lunches because Nate was not playing on his own and getting into everything. He fell asleep on the way to Kidstown so I think he must have been moving so fast to stay awake. He's finally getting more teeth so that might be part of it too. His upper molars are partly in and there's another tooth on the bottom working on getting through.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
End of fall soccer
Ted played in 2 more soccer games today. The first was an early one at 8:30 and they won. It was a close game at 3-2. Ted got the assist for the winning goal which was really cool. The other team was a tough team to beat. The final game was probably the most difficult game. Ted's team lost that one 2-3. The boys all seemed to have fun playing in the tournament and then we all went to Pizza Hut for a party. It was a busy weekend and we're all going to bed early tonight. I feel like I'm on the verge of getting the cold that Ted has had.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The day after...
I usually put the candy up higher so the boys can't reach it as easily. Last night I decided that it might be better just to leave thir buckets on the counter so they wouldn't be climbing on the counters and so forth. I woke up around 6 this morning and could hear the tv. I walked out of our bedroom to find the boys watching tv and eating candy. They each had a bucket next to him on the couch. I told them they needed to turn off the tv, put the candy away, and go back to bed for a while. They did listen although I doubt that they actually went to bed. They probably just played in their room for a while.
Ted had a soccer game later this morning. It was the first of the tournament this weekend. They played against a tough team but they won. The score was 2-0.
Ted had a soccer game later this morning. It was the first of the tournament this weekend. They played against a tough team but they won. The score was 2-0.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Ted was home sick from school yesterday but he's feeling ok to go today. He woke up with croup early yesterday morning. He felt like he was choking so it was a little scary but steam from the shower helped him. I took him to the dr and she gave him steroid pills to help him out.
The boys were beyond excited about going trick or treating. Ted and Harry were Power Rangers and I had a black cape and hat from the dress up stuff for Nate in case he decided to wear it. Ted's party at school started around 2 pm. I had to wake Nate up from his nap a little early but it wasn't too bad. I took the Batman cape and hat for him to wear if he wanted. He was willing to put it on for Ted's party but shortly before it was done he decided that was it. We went trick or treating at Bob's work and Nate refused to wear a costume. Ted and Harry were excited about all the candy they got. We went home then and played a bit. I noticed Nate looking at Ted's mask and trying to put it on his head. I went down to the basement to see if I could find another mask for Nate. I brought it up but Nate didn't want it on so I let it be. He was funny later, though, because he was trying to put it on but then stopped and moved to the other side of the room when he noticed I was watching him.
Bob took the boys out trick or treating. Nate went too but didn't dress up. It sounds like he had a fun time with them and it was a really nice night this year. The boys had a great time.
The boys were beyond excited about going trick or treating. Ted and Harry were Power Rangers and I had a black cape and hat from the dress up stuff for Nate in case he decided to wear it. Ted's party at school started around 2 pm. I had to wake Nate up from his nap a little early but it wasn't too bad. I took the Batman cape and hat for him to wear if he wanted. He was willing to put it on for Ted's party but shortly before it was done he decided that was it. We went trick or treating at Bob's work and Nate refused to wear a costume. Ted and Harry were excited about all the candy they got. We went home then and played a bit. I noticed Nate looking at Ted's mask and trying to put it on his head. I went down to the basement to see if I could find another mask for Nate. I brought it up but Nate didn't want it on so I let it be. He was funny later, though, because he was trying to put it on but then stopped and moved to the other side of the room when he noticed I was watching him.
Bob took the boys out trick or treating. Nate went too but didn't dress up. It sounds like he had a fun time with them and it was a really nice night this year. The boys had a great time.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Last regular season game
Ted's soccer game was bright and early this morning at 8:30. I took Ted while Bob stayed home with Harry and Nate. The team did much better this morning than the last 2 weeks. Ted scored a goal even. That was the first one he's scored. He had the cutest look on his face after he did it. I think it was because he was surprised it was that easy. He was right in front of the goal and kicked the ball in. The coach said all the players scored this season so that's nice. They are playing in a tournament next weekend so we'll see how they do. It's been a fun season and while it'll be nice to have our weekends back, we're also going to miss it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
"I don't actually live here..."
I just love Harry's imagination. He's created this whole other world for himself where he gets to be in charge. It's called Dogland. Today he told me that he doesn't actually live here with us. He's just been visiting for a really long time. He actually lives in Dogland. That's where his invisible car is too.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Something up his nose
I bought a couple perler bead kits last week and Ted and Harry were working on them today while Nate was napping. Harry put a perler bead up his nose and then couldn't get it out. This was the first foreign object up the nose for us. I didn't panic since I knew this had happened to several other moms before and there was a special trick to get it out. I logged into an online moms group and did a search to find the right thread. I had Harry breathe in through his mouth and then blow out. When he did that, I covered his mouth and his other nostril. The only problem was that he was standing and I couldn't cover his mouth enough to prevent him from blowing out that instead of his nostril. He's able to blow his nose so I then told him to take a big breath through his mouth and then breathe out through his nose. After a couple tries (I covered his mouth and nostril again), he managed to blow it out. Luckily there wasn't too much drama and the boys got their little projects done before Nate woke up.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Harry has a car
Harry's imaginary world is back. He has an invisible car. I asked him more about it tonight and he was happy to share details (and change some of them along the way). He has video games, candy, hot chocolate, maybe even some fruit in his invisible car. He told me he goes to doggy land to use the car and then turns it uninvisible. ;)
Monday, October 13, 2008
A letter to Nate
Dear Nate,
Thank you for flushing the toilets for us. If you want to continue being able to flush them, please stop unrolling the toilet paper roll and throwing it all in the toilet at once.
Thank you for helping me get all the dishes so clean. They should be really clean today after I washed them at least twice. I'll try to start drying them right away instead of leaving them out so you can dump them back in the sink to play.
Thank you for helping me get some exercise. I don't know where you get your energy from but it helps me stay in shape chasing after you on the sidewalk and keeping you out of the street. I also got extra exercise when you pulled all of the craft stuff out of the cupboard and threw it down the stairs this morning before work.
Thank you in advance for reminding me to put the laundry away tonight. I know if I don't do it now that you'll find it first tomorrow. You just can't help throwing it around the house like you've done any other time I've left a basket in the living room.
Thank you for being your cute and adorable self. It makes running around in circles all day long much more enjoyable!
Thank you for flushing the toilets for us. If you want to continue being able to flush them, please stop unrolling the toilet paper roll and throwing it all in the toilet at once.
Thank you for helping me get all the dishes so clean. They should be really clean today after I washed them at least twice. I'll try to start drying them right away instead of leaving them out so you can dump them back in the sink to play.
Thank you for helping me get some exercise. I don't know where you get your energy from but it helps me stay in shape chasing after you on the sidewalk and keeping you out of the street. I also got extra exercise when you pulled all of the craft stuff out of the cupboard and threw it down the stairs this morning before work.
Thank you in advance for reminding me to put the laundry away tonight. I know if I don't do it now that you'll find it first tomorrow. You just can't help throwing it around the house like you've done any other time I've left a basket in the living room.
Thank you for being your cute and adorable self. It makes running around in circles all day long much more enjoyable!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Update on us
Life is busy busy but we're having so much fun. I'm really enjoying work and am glad that things have come back to me. Drawing blood has been interesting. One week, I had one almost faint as I drew her and a guy fainted while my supervisor drew him. The girl told me that she wasn't feeling well so I got someone to come help me. The guy didn't say anything and was suddenly out. I heard Frances talking to him to get him to come back to us. Poor guy was a little embarrassed when he came to. I've drawn a couple more people when needed but we've had some really busy days too where I've been in a corner doing the testing until my shift ends.
Nate was sick for the first time in a long time a couple weeks ago. He started running a fever Wednesday night and clinged to me the next 2 days. I was glad that I had gotten some things done earlier in the week because I couldn't even lay Nate down for long. Poor little guy but he felt a little better after a couple days. He seemed to be bothered by teething right after that so last week was kind of rough for him at daycare. This week was better but he still cried each day when I dropped him off. It's hard leaving him when he cries but I know it's only for a few hours so that makes it easier. Hopefully he'll get used to it soon.
Harry is doing great. I've been trying to find activities for him to do in the mornings before work. He loves to play with playdough and paint so I've been getting that out for him. He also loves playing on the computer and watching tv so I'm trying my best to get him involved in something else so he doesn't fall back on that all the time. Someone told Harry that he's a good boy today and he replied, "I know."
I've been enjoying spending time with Ted lately. He's really growing up. We played chess this past weekend which we hadn't done in quite a while. He's doing well in soccer this year. His team has won all 3 games so far. He's really hoping to score a goal and if he continues to play like he has been, I'm sure he will. He got an assist last time on the first goal scored by his team. It's fun to watch him play and enjoy the game so much. After a lot of internal debate, I signed him up for Cub Scouts tonight. I think it'll be good for him. My only concern was the time commitment but I've decided that if anything is worth the time and energy, it's probably scouts. We went to his first pack meeting tonight and it was fun. It ran a little late so hopefully he'll do ok when he gets up for school tomorrow. His first spelling test is tomorrow but the words are easy so it should go well for him. He's still eating hot lunch at school and has been willing to try some new things. I had to chuckle this morning when he said he drinks white milk at school some because it has less sugar than chocolate milk. He looked at the labels and compared them. He's been listening!
Nate was sick for the first time in a long time a couple weeks ago. He started running a fever Wednesday night and clinged to me the next 2 days. I was glad that I had gotten some things done earlier in the week because I couldn't even lay Nate down for long. Poor little guy but he felt a little better after a couple days. He seemed to be bothered by teething right after that so last week was kind of rough for him at daycare. This week was better but he still cried each day when I dropped him off. It's hard leaving him when he cries but I know it's only for a few hours so that makes it easier. Hopefully he'll get used to it soon.
Harry is doing great. I've been trying to find activities for him to do in the mornings before work. He loves to play with playdough and paint so I've been getting that out for him. He also loves playing on the computer and watching tv so I'm trying my best to get him involved in something else so he doesn't fall back on that all the time. Someone told Harry that he's a good boy today and he replied, "I know."
I've been enjoying spending time with Ted lately. He's really growing up. We played chess this past weekend which we hadn't done in quite a while. He's doing well in soccer this year. His team has won all 3 games so far. He's really hoping to score a goal and if he continues to play like he has been, I'm sure he will. He got an assist last time on the first goal scored by his team. It's fun to watch him play and enjoy the game so much. After a lot of internal debate, I signed him up for Cub Scouts tonight. I think it'll be good for him. My only concern was the time commitment but I've decided that if anything is worth the time and energy, it's probably scouts. We went to his first pack meeting tonight and it was fun. It ran a little late so hopefully he'll do ok when he gets up for school tomorrow. His first spelling test is tomorrow but the words are easy so it should go well for him. He's still eating hot lunch at school and has been willing to try some new things. I had to chuckle this morning when he said he drinks white milk at school some because it has less sugar than chocolate milk. He looked at the labels and compared them. He's been listening!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Getting back into the swing of things
It's been busy as usual around here. School is going well for Ted. We've gotten him there in time each day so far. There have been a couple mornings where I wasn't sure if we would make it in time. Soccer has started now too for Ted. He started practice last week and has his first game this Saturday. I wasn't sure if he would enjoy it as much as baseball but he's having fun again this season.
I found a home daycare for Harry and Nate and they've gone 2 weeks now. Harry loves that there's a dog there. He is obsessed with dogs and spends a good part of Ted's soccer practices petting and hugging a dog that is there. I've decided not to send Harry to preschool this year after all. It wasn't working with the work schedule. He's doing really well academically so I think he'll be fine. He counted to 100 the other day and didn't need much help from me and he's also able to rhyme words well. I'm going to work with him on handwriting on days I don't work. Hopefully we can do just a little each day and he'll be ready next year for it all.
Nate is still adjusting to daycare but is doing pretty well. He didn't nap at all the first week. This week, he fell asleep on the way and slept for about 45 minutes once he got there. That's an improvement. He slept in the afternoon after I picked them up also. He hasn't been himself this week--either a cold or teething or both--so it hasn't surprised me that he has cried a little bit when I left.
Work is going well. I'm having to relearn a few things that I hadn't done in 13 years. I can't believe it's been that long since graduating from college. I worked for 11 years in microbiology where I didn't have to draw blood, do any urinalysis, or cbc's. I drew blood yesterday for the first time in almost exactly 13 years. I got the vein fine but I was shaking like a leaf the whole time. I didn't want to be that nervous but I was. I think the girl I drew the blood from was a little anxious about having blood drawn so that didn't help. I've gotten it out of the way now though so I know I'm still capable and it's just a matter of doing it more. Luckily, a lot of the kids we'll see will probably have decent veins.
I found a home daycare for Harry and Nate and they've gone 2 weeks now. Harry loves that there's a dog there. He is obsessed with dogs and spends a good part of Ted's soccer practices petting and hugging a dog that is there. I've decided not to send Harry to preschool this year after all. It wasn't working with the work schedule. He's doing really well academically so I think he'll be fine. He counted to 100 the other day and didn't need much help from me and he's also able to rhyme words well. I'm going to work with him on handwriting on days I don't work. Hopefully we can do just a little each day and he'll be ready next year for it all.
Nate is still adjusting to daycare but is doing pretty well. He didn't nap at all the first week. This week, he fell asleep on the way and slept for about 45 minutes once he got there. That's an improvement. He slept in the afternoon after I picked them up also. He hasn't been himself this week--either a cold or teething or both--so it hasn't surprised me that he has cried a little bit when I left.
Work is going well. I'm having to relearn a few things that I hadn't done in 13 years. I can't believe it's been that long since graduating from college. I worked for 11 years in microbiology where I didn't have to draw blood, do any urinalysis, or cbc's. I drew blood yesterday for the first time in almost exactly 13 years. I got the vein fine but I was shaking like a leaf the whole time. I didn't want to be that nervous but I was. I think the girl I drew the blood from was a little anxious about having blood drawn so that didn't help. I've gotten it out of the way now though so I know I'm still capable and it's just a matter of doing it more. Luckily, a lot of the kids we'll see will probably have decent veins.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
He's finally adding more foods to his diet
Ted actually ate 1/2 a cheeseburger for dinner tonight. I can't believe it. He was our pb&j 3 times a day kid. At least he was consistent on always liking that. Whenever we've tried to get him to try something new, he's always resisted. We've had to back off and let him do things in his own time. When school started last week, I gave him the option of eating the school lunch or bringing a lunch. I made his lunch the first day but he's wanted to eat hot lunch since then. They offer pb&j each day and I thought last year that's what he'd be eating every day if he bought lunch. He's eaten the hot dog, chicken patty, hamburger, and grilled cheese there, though. He's also been trying things at the salad bar there. He even tried dill pickles tonight when he saw that Nate was eating them and liking them. He said he liked it but didn't want any more. It's a start.
I hope this isn't just a short phase that means he's growing right now and he'll go back to being picky again soon. He's given me hope like this before although he usually keeps the new foods on his list of acceptable foods. I think I'll still cross my fingers, though.
I hope this isn't just a short phase that means he's growing right now and he'll go back to being picky again soon. He's given me hope like this before although he usually keeps the new foods on his list of acceptable foods. I think I'll still cross my fingers, though.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Holy mail
As we were walking in to church today, Harry noticed a mailbox in the parking lot. He asked, "Is that God's mailbox?" Ted replied, "Close, I think it's Jesus's." We said, no and then Ted figured it out and asked if it was the church's mailbox.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Daddy's little helper
Harry was upstairs with Bob while he was getting ready for work this morning. Bob said let's go together and Harry asked him, "to work?" Bob told him it would be pretty boring for him. He said it wouldn't be long before he could help him out, though. Bob was talking about him telling Harry to get on the computer and check some things out. Harry responded, "but I can't even spell yet!"
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
1st day of school

Today was Ted's first day of school for the year. He had a good day. His favorite part was recess. It's going to be an adjustment for him because he isn't used to sitting most of the day. I think he'll be ok at school but then I have a feeling he'll be melting down in the evenings with us. We took his bike with us when picking him up and he rode home fine. He had more energy tonight than I was expecting. He fell apart at bedtime when he needed to get teeth brushed, though.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Summer is coming to an end
We only have one full week before Ted is back in school. I am trying to use the tickets the boys earned from the summer library program. Today we went to Pump It Up since that's what Harry chose for one of his prizes. We had a fun time. Nate really seemed to enjoy running around and climbing and sliding down the big slide. I took him down the big slide shortly after getting there and then he wanted to back down several more times. I had to carry him up there and go down with him so I got a bit of exercise. It was fun but it wore me out as much as the kids I think. Harry's favorite was the big slide and Ted's favorite was the obstacle course.
Next week, we'll have to head up to the Farm to use Harry's other prize. Ted chose mini golf and swimming or skating so those will need to be used on the weekend when Bob is around. I don't want to try doing those with all 3 boys by myself. Nate got a book for completing his first 5 hours of reading. I'm not sure if he'll get the next 5 hours done in time. I think Ted has read over 20 hours this summer that we've recorded. He likes to read in bed before going to sleep and we haven't counted that time very much. I've probably said this a bunch of times but I'm so amazed at how much his reading has improved over this summer. He only starting reading this past spring.
Next week, we'll have to head up to the Farm to use Harry's other prize. Ted chose mini golf and swimming or skating so those will need to be used on the weekend when Bob is around. I don't want to try doing those with all 3 boys by myself. Nate got a book for completing his first 5 hours of reading. I'm not sure if he'll get the next 5 hours done in time. I think Ted has read over 20 hours this summer that we've recorded. He likes to read in bed before going to sleep and we haven't counted that time very much. I've probably said this a bunch of times but I'm so amazed at how much his reading has improved over this summer. He only starting reading this past spring.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I got a job!
I found out today that I got the job I interviewed for last week. It's part-time and located at CSU in the health services department. It'll be 11-2 Monday-Wednesday so Ted will be in school during that time. Now I need to find childcare for Harry and Nate. It's going to be harder than I realized I think to find good care for a reasonable price so I am not paying money to work. What's complicating matters is Harry's preschool. He starts at 12:30 and I'd like to keep him at the same place. I really think he needs this extra year of preschool to get ready for Kindergarten next fall. I'm looking into all childcare options to find the best fit for us. I think I'll be able to rule out the major centers due to price. I'm only going to be working 3 hours but I'd be paying for 5 or 6 hours if I took them to a center. It would include food and preschool for Harry but it was still too high. Hopefully we can get this all worked out. It's definitely stressful but hopefully we can figure it all out soon. There is a drop in center that I can use as a back up so that eases my mind a little bit that I don't need to rush to make a decision.
Nate is still climbing a lot. I was getting dinner ready and the boys and I were eating tortilla chips and Doritos. I looked over and Nate was sitting in the middle of the table snacking on Doritos. He's so quiet and fast when it comes to climbing on things. Apparently, he likes the Doritos better than the plain tortilla chips. Ted and Harry prefer the regular tortilla chips.
Nate is still climbing a lot. I was getting dinner ready and the boys and I were eating tortilla chips and Doritos. I looked over and Nate was sitting in the middle of the table snacking on Doritos. He's so quiet and fast when it comes to climbing on things. Apparently, he likes the Doritos better than the plain tortilla chips. Ted and Harry prefer the regular tortilla chips.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Life will never be the same around here...
Nate has learned how to climb onto the kitchen chairs. As I was getting breakfast this morning, he climbed right up. He didn't have really messy foods this morning so I let him sit on the regular chair. Later today, I found him up on the top bunk in his brothers' room. I was taking care of something and heard him making noise so I thought I better hurry to find him. I went into the boys room expecting him to be playing with the hammer but he was all the way up top throwing books down off Ted's bed. I took him out of that room and brought him outside for a little bit. A little later when we were back inside, I ran downstairs and he was in the hallway. I ran upstairs with a basket and got to the room just as he was falling off the ladder. I guess we'll need to keep their room locked for now so he can't get in there.
I had an interview this morning for a part-time medical technologist position. It should work out really well if I get it. It'll be 3 days per week and about 3 hours per day. It's at the college and will mostly be during the school year so I won't have to worry about daycare for Ted most of the time. I should hear back next week.
I had an interview this morning for a part-time medical technologist position. It should work out really well if I get it. It'll be 3 days per week and about 3 hours per day. It's at the college and will mostly be during the school year so I won't have to worry about daycare for Ted most of the time. I should hear back next week.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
T-ball comes to an end...
The t-ball season ended with a tournament last night and today. Bob took Ted last night since the game started later than normal (6:45 instead of 6). Bob called to let me know that Ted decided to bat left-handed instead of right like he's done all season. It worked for him. He was able to hit from the coach pitches each time. They won their game last night so they played at 11:30 today. The other team was really good and the first couple innings were tough for our team. They really pulled together after that and did ok, though. They lost but they had fun and had some good plays.
They had a party at a park with a water splash pad this afternoon. Ted was in the water quite a bit, Harry stayed on the edge of it most of the time, and Nate soon decided to check it out for himself. He went into the middle of it all and I hoped that I wouldn't have to go get him in case he got scared. The water was a little cold so I don't think he liked that part of it but he was clapping when the water turned on so otherwise he liked it. The kids all had fun and they even played some more baseball at the park with a few of the dads. There weren't too many kids who made it but it was still a nice party to end the season. Our kids were exhausted when we got home. They watched a little SpongeBob and relaxed and soon got ready for bed.
They had a party at a park with a water splash pad this afternoon. Ted was in the water quite a bit, Harry stayed on the edge of it most of the time, and Nate soon decided to check it out for himself. He went into the middle of it all and I hoped that I wouldn't have to go get him in case he got scared. The water was a little cold so I don't think he liked that part of it but he was clapping when the water turned on so otherwise he liked it. The kids all had fun and they even played some more baseball at the park with a few of the dads. There weren't too many kids who made it but it was still a nice party to end the season. Our kids were exhausted when we got home. They watched a little SpongeBob and relaxed and soon got ready for bed.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
How to play t-ball in the house

Normally, we have a rule of no playing ball in the house. We play with little balls when the boys are toddlers. This morning I was taking care of a few things and turned around to see this. Can you tell his older brother plays t-ball? I think he had a little help but with how observant he is, he probably figured out a lot of it on his own.
1. Get large plastic container. The old animal cracker container from Sam's works great. We've been putting small toys in it so those work as a weight and make it sturdier for the tee.
2. Put blow up soccer ball on top of container. It's soft so Mommy might not worry about it breaking things or hurting people.
3. Get ladle from kitchen drawer. Look for it if you already took it out yesterday. If Mommy finds it first, distract her with picking up other things so she forgets about it.
4. When Mommy turns away for just one minute, swing the ladle at the soccer ball. Look as cute as can be when she sees you playing ball in the house.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Renaissance Festival

We went to the Renaissance Festival in Larkspur on July 5th. We stayed in the Comfort Suites in Castle Rock for 2 nights so we wouldn't have to drive as much. We went to a park and watched some fireworks on the 4th. All of the boys loved those. Nate fell asleep toward the end but he clapped a couple times to show he enjoyed them.
The boys did really well with all the walking at the festival. Harry got to ride in the stroller part of the time since Nate fell asleep in the Mei Tai but he still walked quite a bit. Harry's favorite part was riding the cow in the petting zoo area. Ted also rode the cow. Ted's favorite part was a joust ride. He had to try to get the ring. He only had one shot at it and didn't get it but it was still fun. We watched some jousting, the boys rode a butterfly ride (powered by a person), we fed some goats, saw some glass blowing and ate some good food.
Monday, June 30, 2008
wow, this summer is going by quickly!
I can't believe June is done. We've been busy with baseball games and swimming lessons for 2 weeks. Ted played baseball tonight and then is off until next week when they play 4 games (2 regular and 2 playoff). It's amazing to see how much all of the kids have improved since they started a few weeks ago. Ted played pitcher and catcher tonight and sat out one inning. It was cute when he was catcher tonight. He collected the balls thrown and was fairly focussed on that. Well, when the ball was hit he went up to the homeplate like he should in case someone threw the ball to him. When the kids ran toward home, he tried to tag them with one of the extra balls. Some of the kids looked a little puzzled. Their teammates had hit it past the row of players in the field and it would have been surprising to get the ball home that quickly.
One of the players on Ted's team is also the oldest of 3 boys. His baby brother is 13 months and was there tonight too. Toward the end of the game, the baby came up to me and wanted me to hold him. I picked him up and he was happy and content in my arms. Nate looked a bit concerned, though. After I put the friend down, I picked Nate up to let him know he wasn't being replaced. He was happy to know it.
One of the players on Ted's team is also the oldest of 3 boys. His baby brother is 13 months and was there tonight too. Toward the end of the game, the baby came up to me and wanted me to hold him. I picked him up and he was happy and content in my arms. Nate looked a bit concerned, though. After I put the friend down, I picked Nate up to let him know he wasn't being replaced. He was happy to know it.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Playdough fun
Monday, June 9, 2008
chasing after the girls
Today, we went to McDonald's to celebrate Ted's friend's birthday (Austin). The kids were all running around having a great time but then one of the girls, Summer, came and said Ted was trying to kiss her and Alyssa. I asked Ted about it and he confirmed that he had kissed both of them. I asked him where and he pointed to his lips. I told him that I didn't think they wanted him to kiss them so he said he wouldn't then. He told Summer he wasn't going to try to kiss her anymore but she wasn't so sure. Ted walked away from her but then she ran over to tap him on his shoulder to see if he'd chase her again. Talk about mixed signals--it starts so early, no wonder guys get confused. I asked Ted at home about the kissing and he said he was chasing them and trying to kiss them. He couldn't kiss them on the lips (although he would have if given the opportunity, I think) and kissed each of them a few times. I'm not sure what exactly happened. It's kind of funny now, definitely not looking forward to the teen years, though!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Uh oh...a future gamer

Nate wants to join in all the fun with the boys. You can tell he's been watching and learning how to play video games. In one hand, he has the nunchuk. In the other hand...the tv remote, of course.
Oh, and in case you're wondering...I put pants or shorts on Nate after I dress him. He has a hard time staying still for diaper changes that I don't worry about it until we're going somewhere.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
My little helper
This is a fun age--they love to be helpful. I put Nate right to work sweeping the floors. Actually, what really happened is the hall closet was open and he grabbed the swiffer out of there. He's always taking stuff out of cabinets and drawers and closets. We are working on picking stuff up. I'm going to have to rearrange the pantry because there's been too much cereal dumped on the floor when he decides to grab a snack for himself.
(picture to's not working for me now to add that)
(picture to's not working for me now to add that)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
last day of Kindergarten

Ted's last day of Kindergarten was today. They had "beach day" so they didn't do much school stuff. The weather was perfect so that was nice. It's been so hard to predict the weather lately. Mrs. Johnston won't be at Linton next year, unfortunately. :( She is so wonderful--it's going to be hard to compare other teachers to her. I think all of us moms got a little teary eyed when it was time to say goodbye. Hopefully we can get together with some of the other kids this summer.
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