Normally, we have a rule of no playing ball in the house. We play with little balls when the boys are toddlers. This morning I was taking care of a few things and turned around to see this. Can you tell his older brother plays t-ball? I think he had a little help but with how observant he is, he probably figured out a lot of it on his own.
1. Get large plastic container. The old animal cracker container from Sam's works great. We've been putting small toys in it so those work as a weight and make it sturdier for the tee.
2. Put blow up soccer ball on top of container. It's soft so Mommy might not worry about it breaking things or hurting people.
3. Get ladle from kitchen drawer. Look for it if you already took it out yesterday. If Mommy finds it first, distract her with picking up other things so she forgets about it.
4. When Mommy turns away for just one minute, swing the ladle at the soccer ball. Look as cute as can be when she sees you playing ball in the house.
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