Overall, 2011 was a good year for us. It's been an extremely busy year filled with work and school and the boys' activities but we're doing well and overall we've been healthy.
The boys and I drove to MN over the summer to see my family. We picked up my sister-in-law, Trish, in Nebraska. That was a good idea since we all ended up getting a stomach bug while there. She drove quite a bit on our way back since I wasn't completely back to normal yet. I also attended my 20 yr class reunion while in MN. There were only 8 of us there for the reunion but it was fun. It was a good trip and I enjoyed getting to know Trish a little better. We're looking forward to planning our next adventure.
Life has been strange the last several months. In August, our neighbor was found murdered in his home just 3 houses from us. The kids had been out riding their bikes earlier that Monday morning. We had just finished eating lunch when we saw the police putting up red tape across our yard. My kids had played with his kids and had been in their house a few times. We had to talk to them and it was a difficult conversation to have with young boys. Those last 2 weeks of summer were spent mostly inside the house instead of soaking up the last days of fun before homework and soccer started. Our street was quieter and we missed the noise of the boys yelling and playing outside. Gradually, the boys and all the neighbor kids started having fun again in the cul-de-sac.
Sept. and Oct. were extremely busy for us. School and work were in full swing and Ted and Nate both played soccer. Ted and Harrison are also in cub scouts and I organized popcorn sales for the pack. We sold a lot of popcorn and made a lot of money for the pack so that was good that our hard work paid off.
In Oct., I found out that a woman I know at church was diagnosed with melanoma. My cousin, Kelly, died of melanoma on Oct. 31. Kelly was only a year older than me so he was the closest cousin I have (the others are all much older). I hadn't seen or talked to Kelly in several years but I have fond memories of when we played together as kids. It was difficult hearing that he had lost that battle. Cancer sucks. On a positive note, it did get me to make an appointment with a dermatologist so I could have her check a couple moles. Everything looks fine so far.
The year is ending on a good note. Thanksgiving was spent in IA and MN with family. Harrison celebrated 1st Reconciliation in Dec. We spent a few days during Christmas in Canon City with Bob's dad and stepmom.
These last couple days of 2011 are being spent relaxing together as a family and playing with the new toys. Nate still loves to cuddle with me so I hold him any chance I get. Ted has taken an interest in learning to cook and bake. He helped make cookies and lately he's been learning to make pancakes. Harrison is getting so tall and he's still his sweet funny self. The boys fight at times but overall they really enjoy spending time together.
I'm looking forward to the new year. Ted will turn 10 in January. We will celebrate Harrison's 1st Communion in April. Nate will turn 5 in April and start kindergarten in the fall. My hope in 2012 is for more joy than sadness. I will focus on enjoying the present time and not worry as much about the past or future.
Happy New Year!
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