Sunday, January 29, 2012

10 years old!

We had a good weekend. Ted's first basketball game was yesterday at 8 am. His team lost by quite a bit but Ted said that he had fun playing. Nate and I went to the game while Bob and Harrison stayed home. Nate took most of the pictures while we were there. Ted is wearing the yellow jersey and red shorts. They don't match well but it's easy to spot him in the pictures.

Ted's birthday party was at 4 at Kidz Fit. I only took a few pictures--when they were eating cupcakes and the snacks. They ran around most of the time we were there.

Today, we went to Mass and then we let Ted skip religious ed. class. Ted worked on his Pinewood Derby car with Bob (and Nate) while I was teaching Harrison's class. We had a relaxing afternoon. The boys played outside with a friend since it was so nice out and they also worked a little more on their cars. Ted decided to have Chipotle for dinner and then we had cake and ice cream at home tonight.

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