Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cute kids

Our school has started "mileage club" after school a couple days each week. The kids walk around the field and get a stick for each lap. It gets recorded each day they do it and then once their total reaches a certain amount, the kids can get their picture taken for the "Hall of fame". Since Ted isn't playing soccer this season, he is really enjoying this. He has set a goal and written down the days for mileage club on a calendar even. He is now up to 33 laps after 3 days. He asks his PE teacher each time about the picture since he had enough for the first goal after 2 days. Nate has done 20 laps and Harrison has done 19 so far.

The 4th and 5th graders have also been having tryouts for the district track and field event. Ted qualified for the 200 m so he's excited about that. He wanted to celebrate with root beer floats tonight.

While Bob and Ted went to their den meeting tonight, Harrison and Nate and I went to the grocery store (for ice cream and root beer). As we were driving home, Nate noticed the police car in front of us in the turn lane. Nate asked, "Who is he trying to catch?" I tried to explain that the police aren't always running after bad guys but there are just out driving around. Nate kept asking questions and Harrison was apparently bothered by it. He told Nate that I wasn't a professional that knew everything. Nate said, "I know, but she knows a lot."

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