Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ack, the time change!

Today was a really rough day for me. Nate woke up shortly after 4 which isn't too bad since I took him to bed and we both fell back to sleep. He was up for the day at 5:45. He opened the bedroom door and light streamed in so I figured the older boys were already up. After a few minutes, I realized I was drifting back to sleep and better get up to check on things before I actually did. I went downstairs and noticed the kitchen light was on. I thought maybe the boys were in there eating their Halloween candy. As I got closer, I could hear Nate saying, "uh, uh, uh". He was standing on a chair in the kitchen "counting" milk caps. The other boys weren't there. I thought maybe one of the other boys had gotten something from the kitchen but went back to bed. Harry soon came up from the basement to get more candy. He and Ted were down there playing Sonic. I asked them what time they got up. Ted replied, "too early". They have a clock radio in their bedroom so I asked again what time. Ted thought it was 4. My reaction was 4?! 4?! They heard the baby crying and got up shortly after that so it was really early. I told them that they needed to listen to us all day or they'd lose the Halloween candy and Sonic game. They went to bed easily at 7:30 tonight. Ted admitted that he was really tired and that he didn't want to get up so early again.

Nate was a busy boy this morning before work. He and Harry have to go to the drop-in childcare this week so I had to make lunches for them and me. It took me forever to make the lunches because Nate was not playing on his own and getting into everything. He fell asleep on the way to Kidstown so I think he must have been moving so fast to stay awake. He's finally getting more teeth so that might be part of it too. His upper molars are partly in and there's another tooth on the bottom working on getting through.

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